Projects Jan Steyaert
- Wmo werkplaatsen
- Canon social work
- Active citizenship: together with city of Eindhoven and Loket W (local social agency),
this project explores the relevance of 'active citizenship' for local policy
- access4inclusion: a European project that looks into the relevance of information technology for social policy and in-/exclusion
- NESIS: a European project that looked into existing and new indicators for the information society
- IMPULS Digitaal toegankelijk, about accessibility of e-learning
- Lectoraat Sociale Infrastructuur en Technologie, professorship, see
- Digistein, the 'digital hatchery' in Eindhoven (2002-2004)
- DASDA, promoting Design for All: Dissemination Activity Supporting Design for All (2001-2003)
- IMPACT: increasing the IMPACT of assistive technology (1997-1999)
- HUSITA: Human Service Information Technology Applications